Healthy Light Recipes From Around the World




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/05/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781418445706

About the Book

Ana David is a remarkable woman with an intense passion to create great, tasty and healthy recipes to allow for fun and satisfaction. Her methods of cooking have always taken a path of simple and healthy preparations that allow for a healthy life style while having a good time. Her love for the creation of these incredible recipes has set a comfortable and easy method of maintaining a healthy life style while feeling good and looking great. After the death of her oldest brother, Ana experienced a great sense of loss that captivated her into her writing and development of her book. The development of this book allowed her to do what she loved in order to escape from the pain she endured. Her brother was an inspiration to the book and therefore the book is dedicated to the life he lived and the inspiration he brought about. Ana has always had a great passion for cooking and creating healthy and light recipes. At a very young age she developed this passion and due to her constant travels around Europe and the Middle East she had the opportunity to experience a vast variety of exotic foods and dishes that were foreign to her at first. As she lived in these amazing places around the world she started to understand and appreciate the different flavors that enticed her curiosity. This evoked her interest to use all the recipes that she encountered throughout her travels and incorporate them all into healthy light recipes that everyone can enjoy and benefit from. Her dream of allowing the rest of the world to experience all the passion and intensity of great tasty food that can also help in a great healthy life style and promote weight loss was finally reached with her publication of her work. Her goal is to help others realize that losing weight and maintaining the weight loss can be easy and fun.

About the Author

Tired of all the diet pills, books and false advertisements of products that claim to help you lose weight and keep it off? Why don't you do yourself a favor and try something that really works and can provide a proper path to a healthier life style. This book is not only a cookbook but also a method of change and progression. It provides a variety of different ways to have fun while eating right. This book provides delicious and nutritious recipes that our bodies require for a healthy life style and the maintenance of weight loss. This book will provide healthy methods of cooking and preparing for different types of dishes and will allow both young and old to enjoy these creative dishes. Basically your body is your temple and your must worship it and only you can provide the personal attention needed to get it at its fullest potential. Remember what you look like is a depiction of who you are and this is the faith that lies in your hands. Stop all the diet fads and stay in shape forever with Healthy Light Recipes from Around the World. This is your chance to make a difference and change yourself in order to live life to the fullest.