Too Pees Inn Uh Pod

A compilation of miscellaneous goofs in various settings

by David W. Gray



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/05/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 416
ISBN : 9781418418137

About the Book

The purchase of this book will neither increase your mental ability to think nor decrease your power to make correct decisions.

It will, however and very hopefully, roust out the cobwebs of your daily thinking and routines to such an extent that you will become more cognizant of what you say, write, and do in your everyday existence.

No one will ever achieve perfection in their lifetime and this book does not purport to this claim.  It does hope to initiate in you a longing to do “things” correctly and not in the manner of “anything will do.”

Speak as if your life depended on it, for in a way it does.  Write as if your composition will be the legacy by which you are forever remembered.

Above all, have fun as you read these missives and don’t forget to laugh!

About the Author

David Gray, former classroom teacher for twenty years and currently the Alternative Education Program Coordinator for the secondary schools at the Muleshoe Independent School District, Muleshoe, Texas, sets forth an amazing display of various errors from grade school through senior high school teachers; from the local department store to the corporate giant stores; from the pastor of the community church to the steeples of major church denominations.

He has attempted and succeeded in revealing some of the more amusing aspects of what is commonly called orderly civilization.

By looking at some of mankind’s misdeeds, it is Gray’s hope that we all can become better individuals from that process called introspection.