
A one man's struggle with Good and Evil

by Dorothy LaRock Skinner



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/06/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781418423469

About the Book

The book of “JAMIE” is a story about a man who was abandoned when just a baby. His mother was a single thriving dancer. She was unable to take care of him, so she left him with the babysitter one day, and never returned for him. So he was brought by the sitter, in the slum part of Brooklyn.

When becoming of age, he became a baseball player. On making money, he then searched for his parents.

Always taking what he wanted out of life, regardless the consequences! He fell in love with a woman who he loved dearly, they was married. Even though he was married, he kept on cheating on her, in his selfish, carefree way. She then leaves him, and marries his younger brother on the rebound. At that time, Jamie also meets woman on his rebound. His woman was a frail type of person, with a Christian back ground.

With his constant persuading, he promises her that he will give up his wild ways if she will marry him, with no intentions of doing so! She marries him, and they try to make a home, on a shaky marriage. When their first child was born, his wife dies. Thus leaving him despondent! Unable to take her death, he keeps going back to the church where her funeral was held. He tries to bargain with God first, which did not work. He gets angry at God. At the church he meets the priest that he uses to pick on his wife about. Through this ordeal, he accepts the Lord. He then turns his back on his new born daughter, and just leaves!

On one sees or hears from him in twelve years. His life changes and he becomes a Pastor at a mission, in southern Arizona. There he makes his home. Je marries again to a Native American woman, which he met at the mission. They have children which becomes his pride and joy!

One day he gets a visit from his brother, and his ex-wife. They bring with them two of his children. Starting here is where his life starts to get confusing! Up to this point, he has been able to block out his past life, and actions, to his present wife. But when his brother arrives with the one woman that he cared so dearly about, and his daughter from his second wife, it gives him feelings that he had forgot about.

Not really sure as to how he will react to his ex-wife, he panics, and then comes up with a plan, so that his present wife does not find out about his past, which he had never told her about, until he himself finds out just how he really feels about it himself! 

Pandora’s Box is opened! Much confusion happens to him! He finds that he has to face up to his life time of sin and guilt, for he had kept locked it all up inside himself for so long.

Lacking faith, he thinks he has to choose between the good and the evil. God or satan  He is like Jacob in the Bible, he is tested on all sides as to where he stands.

But even though satan tries to accuse him through those of his family, and friends. He finds that he does not have to worry, for God has always been there since day one!

He realizes that there is nothing in this world worth risking one’s salvation!

This is a story about the great battle that one goes through in life, and making the right choices, and to be aware of the pit-falls that comes to us through satan, when one lacks the faith to believe what God says!

About the Author

Dorothy LaRock Skinner was born in upstate New York. She was the youngest of a family of ten. She went to school in Constableville, N.Y. It was during her high school years that she decided that she wanted to be a writer. She was always writing stories, and poems. It was while she was still in high school that she wrote the story of “JAMIE”.

She graduated there in 1958. She then went on to Atlantic Union College, in South Lancaster, Mass, where she studied to become an elementary teacher.

On her return home, she met, a farmer named Luther Skinner. They was married in October of 1960, and then lived on the Skinner Farm, located in Camden, N.Y.

In the fall of 1961, they had their first child, which she named him Jamie, after the man in her story.

She remained a free lance writer, and sold her writings to different magazines.

Her second child was born in 1965, and she named her Rebecca.

In 1972, she took a course in writing for children. She received her diploma from “The Institute of Children’s Literature.” While still writing short stories for children, she had her third child, Jeremy, which was born in 1975.

In 1977, her and her husband bought a larger farm, located on the Howd Road, still in Camden, N>Y> Now that they was a full time farmer, it took up a lot of her time, yet she still found the time to write.

She has written several different stories, along with her life story, which she is still working on. Her plans are that she someday will have her life story published.

Since the story of “JAMIE” was her first born story ever, it has been her life long dream to see it published. She hopes that you will soon be reading her story.