Mysteries Uncovered

by Eric W. McClintock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/02/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781414060538

About the Book

In this book you will see Moses and Abraham as never before.  While exploring the Abrahamic Covenant as well as the Mosaic Covenant you will have a better understanding of the relationship between each of these covenants.  Here are some ideas the book approaches:

  • Do these covenants contradict?
  • Why did God make more than one covenant?
  • What is our relationship with these covenants?
  • Is God limited by these covenants?
  • What covenant do we live by today?
  • Are we saved by grace or the Law?

There is Freedom in God.  This book will show you God’s intentions for mankind.  So enjoy the read, it will challenge you, inform you and maybe even change the way you think about God and His Word.

About the Author

He lives in northern California and is married with two children.  He was raised in church and has also attended three different Bible schools.  Each school with very different approaches to the scriptures makes him well aware of religious beliefs.  Having a normal childhood with a not to religious family God was a natural realization.  Much of this book has come from a lot of confusion in his mind.   That confusion coming from what most churches are preaching and a God given inclination to question everything heard or read.