

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/03/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781414070049

About the Book

At a time in our culture when too many of us, including Christians, mistake television’s life situations as reality and in some homes the TV guide is read more often than scripture, the author of A Christian’s TV Guide suggests that we might find new insights into our faith by considering the implications some of these program’s titles and themes offer for renewed spiritual hope.

In A Christian’s TV Guide, the clicking seconds of 60 Minutes reminds us that the hours of our lives pass all too quickly and we should make the most and best of each one of them.  Law and Order provides a contrast between the American justice system and God’s laws that are always certain and fair.  Touched By an Angel assures us that we are surrounded by a great host of heavenly angels intervening on our behalf in our hours of greatest need.

While pastoring several churches as a United Methodist minister, Luther Starnes has also worked in what many laypersons consider “the real world” having served in high positions in government and hosting a highly rated radio talk show for many years in the city of Baltimore, Maryland.  From that perspective, he has experienced first-hand the challenges all of us face in meeting life situations while holding fast to faith in a power beyond ourselves.

About the Author

Luther Starnes has had a varied career in ministry to the church and beyond.  A United Methodist minister, he was appointed by his bishop to a high position in Maryland state government, with responsibility for programs for children and families.  He ended his state career as Secretary of the Department of Human Resources on the cabinet of former Governor William Donald Schaefer.  During that time he served several churches as well and hosted the top-rated “Luther Starnes Show” on WBAL Radio in Baltimore.  In his seventeenth year as pastor of Gary Memorial United Methodist Church in Ellicot City, Maryland, Reverend Starnes and his wife Joyce are the parents of four and grandparents of nine.