
by Jim W. Coleman

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/05/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781418430504
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781418430511

About the Book

This novel—much like my previous book, “Omens”—deals with adult themes of abuse and domestic violence.  I find it abhorring that sex offenders “with a high likelihood of re-offending” are being put back in our societies, often near schools and day care centers.  This novel, a curious blend of fact and fiction, serves to remind us that there are monsters in our midst—and at first glance, you probably wouldn’t see them.

Eric Watkins has recurring nightmares of his step-father, The Tall Man—though Eric hasn’t seen him in years and still blames him for horrific abuses in the past.

Unbeknownst to Eric, The Tall Man has been obsessed with writing a dramatic screenplay, “Glass,” in which The Tall Man seeks revenge on Eric for destroying a once-happy home.

When the two are brought together and the drama explodes onto the stage of reality, lives are irreparably altered—including that of a police chief who is caught in the middle.

About the Author

Jim W. Coleman, 40, is an accomplished artist and author from Port Orchard, Washington. Originally from Phoenix, Coleman is a 1982 graduate of Glendale High School.  He attended A.S.U.  Currently, he works as New Media director for The SUN Newspaper (E.W. Scripps) of Bremerton, Washington. 

Coleman has three young daughters, and enjoys family activities. Additionally, he loves to garden, sing and write music, drive Volkswagens, raise chickens, and volunteer.  He has been active in the Bremerton/Port Orchard Kiwanis clubs for the past three years; and is active with the local PTA.  He also is an ordained minister.

Coleman is a talented artist, who has made a name for himself in the Pacific Northwest under the pseudonym “Cherokee.” His works are frequently on display in regional galleries and art exhibits.

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