

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/08/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781418427429

About the Book

If you believe that no matter how much lipstick you put on a pig, it is still a pig, then this book is for you.  .


Spinmeisters today are everywhere. They seek to befuddle you by polluting our language,  gussying up and diddling down our everyday words, moving familiar signposts, changing the maps in our heads.


Our words – the gold standard coins of rational thinking -- are being debased.  Spin rots the mind.


Continuing growth of spinspeak pushes us daily toward an Orwellian catastrophe: a mentally benumbed America; a manipulated society trying hopelessly to communicate using words with totally corrupted meanings.


Spinspeak II: The Dictionary of Language Pollution is designed to help you fight this slimy tide of fog.  The book contains:  a history of spin;   more than 1,100 current definitions of spinspeak in politics, business, government, academia, health care, the arts and everyday life; a technical glossary describing more than 80 infectious varieties of wordspin, lookspin and soundspin. 


Skeptical exposure is the solution wherever the fog of spinspeak roils communication. The mind you save could be your own.

About the Author

James Baar is a writer, international corporate communications consultant, journalist, corporate communications software developer, former business executive and Washington journalist and  sometime college lecturer. He is the author of a satirical novel on business and public affairs, The Great Free Enterprise Gambit; four books on politics and technology; a forthcoming novel, Ultimate Severance; and a forthcoming collection of short stories, The Real Thing and Other Tales. He is a graduate of Union College where he majored in philosophy.  He and his wife and small dog, Fred the Affenpinscher, live in Providence, RI.