

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/06/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781418473976

About the Book

J. W. Hill returns home to the family ranch in Texas after 20 years in the military.  He finds that the idyllic home where he had grown up had changed.  Maleviolent forces had changed the face of the country from one of peace and harmony to one of strife and fear.

The son of a popular sheriff of Harrison Co. Texas, J. W. does not accept the situation.  He’s told that the rules have changed: J. W. believes that the rules are the same, just people’s attitudes have changed.

As sheriff, J. W.’s father Matthew was not one to back down and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.  J. W. hadn’t run in Vietnam and he wouldn’t now.  J.W.’s family, home, and friends were threatened.  The gauntlet had been laid down and he would run it with all his heart and soul.

About the Author

The author is a retired teacher/coach of 30+years.  He is married with eight (7 boys & 1 girl) adopted children.  C. W. served in the 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam (helicopter pilot) attaining the rank of Captain.  He, his wife, and daughter Julie live in the hill country of Texas.