

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/08/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 416
ISBN : 9781418471965

About the Book

Gibbon’s famous The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is an excellent history of how the accumulation of wealth and power into fewer and fewer hands eventually brought down Rome, the greatest empire of all times. In this novel of modern times, the author shows that the United States is headed down this same path. With more sophisticated weapons and wealth than any nation has ever accumulated, this new nobility wields its power ruthlessly, and only the education and resistance of its own people can save the world from self-destruction.

In the midst of global terrorism, where the rich and the powerful use economic terrorism and others use murder, a small band of unlikely saviors make use of modern technology to expose the evil controllers of wealth and power and hopefully defuse the struggle. They use the basic weapons of technology such as the computers and media. For example, you will meet a modern computer genius Robin Hood who steals from the rich to help the poor and a band of freedom-loving people who practice peaceful resistance to conquer the rulers who persecute them. We can only hope that they are not too late.

About the Author

This third novel, written by William Keim in the past three years, takes us into modern times and the struggle between those who have and those who hope. In that respect Greed ! differs from his first novel And Youth Was Gone, an autobiographical novel of his life in the Great Depression and World War II, and the second historical novel Civil War Sergeant, which gives the reader a personal view of what life was like for a Union soldier.

After spending nearly four years as a medic during World War II, William Keim was educated under the GI Bill at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, Penn State, University of Delaware and other colleges. He went into teaching English and Humanities for seventeen years in Pennsylvania and Delaware, including a year as Fulbright Instructor of American Studies at Langside College in Glasgow, Scotland. He then went into administration for twenty years, finishing his education career as Superintendent of Schools in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Teaching was for him a full-time occupation and a love. He still hears from many of his students.

For fourteen years of his twenty years in retirement, he and his son Gary cared for his beloved wife Virginia who had Alzheimer’s. Even in her illness before her death in 2003, she acted as an inspiration for his teaching and writing. His daily prayer to God is to keep him around as long as he is useful; then, he is ready for the next adventure.