A New Beginning

by Sandra Johnson Springer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/11/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781418480424

About the Book

Eighteen-year old Sharon Glover and her twenty-year old sister Sonia had been living together for three years since the death of their parents. The sisters had a close relationship until they both became attracted to Phillip Mendel I. However, the attraction between Sharon and Phillip is obvious from the beginning. When Phillip and Sharon fell in-love Sonia set out to keep them apart. Things is complicated further when Sonia enlist Sharon best friend, David to help her keep Phillip and Sharon apart. David who is also in-love with Sharon agrees to help after Sonia convinced him that Phillip was a dangerous man. The plot to separate Phillip and Sharon leads betrayal, obsession, death and a new beginning.

About the Author

Sandra Springer was born in Jamaica, West Indies. In 1991 she received her associate degree in applied Science and worked for over six years as a Dental Lab Technician. She later went on to receive her Bachelor degree in Business Administration. Sandra also enjoys writing poems and is now looking forward to working on her next novel. She enjoys reading as much as she enjoys writing. Her inspiration for writing comes from reading mysteries, romance, and suspense. Sandra now lives in Brooklyn New York with her husband Clive Springer and their two sons Jaron and Caelan.