The Briefness of a Blink

A Collection of Poems

by Alex W. Busséy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/11/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781418497071

About the Book

The briefness of a blink refers to the unexpected events in our lives that, when they surprise,us allow little chance to think or make decisions.  They catalogue the many travels the mind takes during a lifetime, explore experiences seated in reality as well as fantasy, and highlight what little control we have over the happiness in our day to day existence.  ??? is concerned with living and dying, but few are equipped to deal effectively with the unexpected curve balls pitched to us!

About the Author

Alex W. Busséy has been writing poetry for most of his life. He graduated from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. with degrees in English, Speech and Drama. His graduate work was in Public Administration. He worked as a high level Federal Administrator for over 40 years. He now travels abroad extensively with his wife capturing snippets of other civilizations and cultures. Alex uses his camera as a paintbrush just as he uses words as instruments to work in extraordinary imagery: the wonders and horrors of nature, life, death and especially the human animal.


Alex has been published in numerous anthologies, winning prizes, reaping recognition and garnering respect as a poet of merit. He is constantly praised for his unique use of language and his novel imagery.