Special Moments in Life

by Ronald W. Barrett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/10/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781420809909

About the Book

There are special moments in our daily lives, when we cannot explain certain things, events, tragedies in our lives.  With this poetry, the drama’s real.  A lot of emotions are put into this writing art.  This is a special gift.  The book of daily events emotionally spoken.  With good comes bad, as well as where there’s bad then follows good, sometime we encounter parts of our lives difficult.  I write poems about them and puts it back into perspective for some.  Poetry is one of our ways of escaping the truth.  Lost between lines, but always know what page you’re on.  Poems written by Ronald W. Barrett, taken from different parts of our lives.  Enjoy, I know you will.

About the Author

Only the phenomenal Ronald W. Barrett could create the remarkable book of poems.  Also with several Silver Bowl winnings and a Shakespeare of Excellence trophy.  With poems in several books through out the world, US and the UK.  Ronald has out done his self this time with this inspiring book of poems.