Woman, You Can Have It All!

Professor Babies' Ultimate Success Formula for Women in Love, Money & Health

by Tan Babies, MBA

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/02/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781418497934

About the Book

If you have ever been discouraged, if you have had difficulties in overcoming obstacles which have broken your spirit, if you have tried repeatedly and failed repeatedly, if you have suffered from an ailment or handicap that prevented you from being successful and having it all, please read on.


Within this book, I offer One-on-One coaching for women using my time-tested theory customized just for woman in modern times.  Using this powerful theory of success, I teach you how to apply it to those areas of your life: love, professional/money, and health/weight.  This formula which I speak of has been passed on to thousands of men and women who have used it to achieve long-lasting success.  This formula is for you, if you need to know WHAT to do and HOW to do it.


I’m ready!  If you are ready, let’s begin now!

About the Author

About Professor Tan Babies

Tan Babies is an entertaining and energetic Coach who motivates you to reach your goals and celebrate life.  She is down-to-earth, and feels that common sense and hard work are necessary to achieve your goals.  She is a Professor of Business, entrepreneur, businesswoman and author; Professor Babies has gained extensive experience from owning a Consulting Business and specializes in coaching professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs on a broad range of issues pertinent to work and life balance.

Qualifications and Educational Background

Tan holds a Master’s Degree in International Business from Long Island University New York. She has studied at the European Business School of London, London, and Franklin College, Lugano, Switzerland. In addition, she holds a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Management utilized in the Consulting field for 10 years.  She continues to employ the principle of “Positive Plan of Action” for success and performance enhancement.