Steven Oliver Blackstone, a 50 year old American Indian. Born in Rapid City, South Dakota. 6’2” 182 pounds. Brown eyes brown hair. Both sided of his family are Sioux. Not only is Steven a fine specimen of human anatomy and a striking American Indian, but he just happens to be the first North American Native President of the United States. Steven had joined the Army prior to the Vietnam War and shown an excellent record during his eight years in the military. After he got out he had played in and out of local politics with never much thought of going on a long and hard campaign such as the Presidency. The United States and the world were all ready for someone like Steve. He could be considered a minority or he could be considered a hero from his exploits in Vietnam or it
just might be that he is without doubt the best damn qualified person for the job. Honesty and integrity are not qualities that have been seen lately in any political arena.
Steven did not have a personal ax to grind. He just wanted to be the best president that he could be, and he loves these United States with a passion that cannot be ignored. His enthusiasm to learn was hindered by the fact that there was so many issues and to know as much about all of the issues was a very difficult task. He called on a lot of old friends for assistance whenever he could.
The age of computers placed a world of history and worldly issues at his finger tips. If only he could get to the point where this information was as accessible as it appeared to his computer friend Scott. He had served in Vietnam with Scott. Steven had been a small arms expert, while Scott was the computer man. He could find out just about anything in those damn terminals. Their third comrade was Mike O’Malley. The man with the big balls and the man who would always be there for you when you needed him.
The three of them had never lost that closeness, that unique something that made it work.
Vietnam was a life time ago and Steve was only a child or at most a very young man when that all happened. With him as with most young men those days of big and bad and hand to hand it stayed with him as did his friendship with the people who meant the most to him at the time.
Steven was married to Kaori, a real bomb shell and fifteen years his younger. She had a mind of her own and there was not anyone who could really tell her what, where or how to. She had a college education that she had earned entirely on her own. Mrs. Blackstone (the First Lady) she is, but do not think that she does not have her own mind and is fully capable of making it on her own. Shapely, auburn blond, blue eyes, tan and athletic. A size six that will fit every curve. Her background as a dancer and a skater gave her legs that wouldn’t quit.