Teaching as a Lifestyle

Accessing Love & Learning Through the Arts

by Cynthia G. Hawkins



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/12/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781420812091

About the Book

Teaching as a Lifestyle is dedicated to the “spirit” of transformation through the individual gifts that we possess. It gives an overview of the author’s educational journey here in America: hoping that the reader will relate to the fact that it takes time for growth and development to occur. Belief systems, institutions, people, families, or “words” often attempt to stifle or crush the “spirit” that lies within. Yet, there are students, teachers and others who care about the possibilities that life has to offer through the classroom. Thus, ignoring or defying the attempts to put out the “fire” of life that lies within. The author sees the classroom as a laboratory for exploring, discovering, sharing and creating for the benefit of humanity. The arts defined as creative writing, dance, music, theater, poetry, and the visual arts; not necessarily requiring one to be professionally trained. It is the opportunity to use the medium of the arts to express oneself that has brought “magic” to the classroom.

About the Author

Cynthia Gail Hawkins has spent the last twenty years of her life as a classroom teacher and still considers teaching an “awesome” endeavor. She did not start out in life to become a teacher; however, at the age of 31 she entered the classroom. She has a Master of Arts in Education(Stanford University), Master of Public Administration(USC), and a Bachelor of Science(Morgan State College). She is most grateful for her education; but it is the children of East Palo Alto, California, the children of Fairfax County Public Schools and her own two daughters who she credits for teaching her the most. She says her role as a parent has been the most valued and valuable role she has assumed this life time. The children/youth have made her the teacher she is today.