

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/09/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 636
ISBN : 9781420807899

About the Book

Was Charles Darwin a racist? a sexist? (Did ha consider Negroes and women inferior to Caucasians and males?) Would he maintain that there is no free will? Do plants reason? Did he consider all things as fundamentally the same? Darwin did not discuss the origin of even one species in his Origin of Species?Was he coerced to describe his principal contribution to evolution (natural selection) as only a metaphor Is his species only a variation? Would he confess that his theory proved nothing? As incredible as it must sound, Darwin’s answers to all of the preceding were affirmative. While the vast percentage of evolutionists worship at Darwin’s altar, they do so only because they have narrowed their vision. Thus, while most evolutionists revere Abraham Lincoln’s declaration that “all men are created equal,” such equality completely conflicts with the Darwinian notion of the survival of the fittest. Darwin even believed it was a gross error for society to build hospitals and the like which serve the unfit.) And today, as nations seek peace, it was war that Darwin praised.

About the Author

Professor Emeritus Larry Azar received undergraduate and graduate degrees in Math, Physics, and Philosophy from Boston College and a Doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontifical Institute of the University of Toronto where he studied with Étienne Gilson, Anton Pegis, and Armand Maurer.

He has taught at Fordham, Lehman, Hunter, St. John’s and Iona and also served as assistant to Jacques Maritain at Princeton.  Numerous articles by him have appeared in journals both national and international.

The present volume is Dr. Azar’s sixth book, his previous works include: Twentieth Century in Crisis: Foundations of Totalitarianism, and Man: Computer, Ape, or Angel.