Unequally Yoked

Our Path To Purpose And He Shall Direct Our Paths: True Testimonials of A Real Couple

by Sherry Lynn Snow



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/08/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781420849332

About the Book

This book is written to the thousands of Christians who may be living in a marriage that after having become a Christian find themselves living with a spouse that has not yet dedicated their lives to Christ. Your spouse has dedicated himself or herself to the Lord and have walked away from God finding themselves in a back slidden condition. Or, your spouse may have become a Christian, and after many years, lack of spiritual growth. Whatever the situation, as a wife of 40 years walking with Christ for nearly 21 years, I have experienced these situations some of early on in my own marriage. I have also experienced God’s faithfulness in divine deliverance. I can testify of God’s faithfulness to answer prayers. He saved my spouse, healed and totally renewed my marriage and He is still moving by His Spirit among the earth bringing deliverance, salvation and miracles to thousands who are believing Him to be set free in their marriages.

About the Author

Ministers Sherry Snow and her husband Sylvester Snow have served in the marriage ministry for over 23 years. They currently serve together in the marriage/pre marital ministry in the Potter’s House of Dallas, Texas under the leadership of their Pastor Bishop T.D. Jakes Sr., and marriage ministry overseer Pastor Lawrence Robinson. Minister Snow and her husband will celebrate 41 years of marriage on Christmas Eve this year.