New Testament Poetry

by Julia W. Harris



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/10/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781420825091

About the Book

God loved the world so much
That He gave it His one and only Son,
That whoever believes in His royalty,
Eternal life for himself he’s won.

“I am, the GOOD SHEPHERD,” He said;
”And all My sheep know Me.
My Father and I created a plan
For Me to die for My sheep.”

“Martha, I am the RESURRECTION,
And all who believe in Me will live.
Even if a man dies here on earth,
New life to him I will give.”

“LAZARUS, come out!” Jesus ordered.
The dead man responded to His call.
His body was wrapped in burial linen;

Yet, he walked out before them all!

About the Author

Julia W. Harris became a Christian as a young teenager, and attended Sunday School and Church all her life.  She soon developed a love for God’s Word.

Upon retirement (from working with mentally challenged individuals for 27 years,) she wanted to make the Bible exciting and important to her grandchildren.  She chose to write the Scriptures into poetry as a new and different version.  Various Old and New Testament books of poetry have generously been distributed to her family and church family. 

Other works of Scripturally-based poems are being written for publication.