P Exodus [changing E]
(20:1) The gods spoke these words.
(20:2) “It was I, Yahweh your gods, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
(20:3) You’re to admit no foreign gods into where I gaze.
(20:4) You’re not to make yourself any carved representation of any shape found in the skies above or the land below or the water on which the land floats,
(20:5) and kowtow in homage before them and honor them. Otherwise I, Yahweh your gods, Jealous Allah, will make the descendants of the third and fourth generation of those who despise me, victims of the same crimes committed by their ancestors,
(20:6) while showing compassion to the thousands who respect me and obey my orders.
[Judaism still had no afterlife belief in P’s time, c 615 BCE. Note that E listed the Jewish population as “thousands,” not “myriads.”]
(20:7) You’re not to swear in Yahweh your gods’ name anything that is false, for Yahweh will not acquit anyone who invokes his name to witness a lie.
(20:8) Preserve the sanctity of the Seventh day, as you were ordered by Yahweh your gods.
(20:9) You’re to slave for six days to complete all of your chores.
(20:10) But the seventh day is Yahweh your gods’ Seventh. You’re not to do any chores, neither you nor your son nor your daughter nor your man-slave nor your slavegirl nor your ox nor your ass nor any of your livestock nor the foreigner living in your town.
(20:11) Yahweh spent six days conjuring up the skies and the land and the sea and everything in them and rested on the seventh day. That’s why Yahweh blessed the Seventh day and sanctified it.
[P changed what he found in E to the above. E’s original lawcode was preserved by D unchanged.]
(20:12) Worship your father and your mother so that you’ll live a long time in the land that Yahweh your gods is giving you.
(20:13) You’re not to murder [retsakh, meaning kill a fellow Jew without authorization from the relevant judge or priest].
[TALMUD, Sanhedrin 78b: “Anyone who, intending to kill an infidel, kills a Yisraelite, is to be deemed guiltless.”]
(20:14) You’re not to commit adultery [naf, meaning intromit sperm into the wife of a fellow Jew].
(20:15) You’re not to commit larceny [goniv, meaning steal from a fellow Jew].
(20:16) You’re not to give perjured testimony against your compatriot [meaning fellow Jew].
(20:17a) You’re not to lust after your compatriot’s house.
(20:17b) You’re not to lust after your compatriot wife,
(20:17c) or his slave or his slavegirl, his ox or his ass, or anything else that your compatriot owns.”