HELP! I have been promoted...Now what do I do?

by Helmut W. Horchler

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/07/2005

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781420855197
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781420855203

About the Book

Your long cherished dream of being promoted has been realized. Now all you need to do is successfully manage a group of people. If you are like most newly appointed managers, you will not be trained first - your supervisor will simply expect you to know what you must do. But being a boss is very different from being a subordinate. Avoid failure! Read this book to learn what you should master and implement to both manage and lead. In today''s environment, knowledge is paramount. You must achieve your goals by working through others and maximizing their performance. While no book can be a substitute for practical experience, this one will save you valuable time by quickly bringing you up on the multiple steps of the management learning curve.

About the Author

Helmut W. Horchler is a 40 year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry. Born in Germany in 1939, he grew up bi-culturally in Europe/USA, and has spent the last eighteen years of his career traveling and working in Asia. As Area Vice President of a global company, he was directly responsible for all business activities in more than twenty countries. He established new, rapidly growing, profitable enterprises in many markets, including Vietnam, China, India, and Indonesia, while significantly growing existing subsidiaries throughout Canada/Australia/Far East through his strong motivational leadership skills. His management experience extends from Europe, to Latin America, and especially to Asian countries. He enjoys an enviable, long term track record of recruiting, training, developing, and retaining staff at all levels.


He has his own consulting firm and can be reached at