Notes to Myself on Good Things To Remember

by Leland Davis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/09/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781420863901

About the Book

The main subject of the book is best stated in a quote from C. S. Lewis: “Often we need not so much to be taught as to be reminded.”  As I said in the Foreword, “How many times over the years I have reached for a scrap of paper or underlined a passage or quotation in a book, noting something that seemed wise and useful.  However, as I review my notes, I frequently come upon some guideline to positive thought or behavior that I have simply let drift from my memory and have neglected to practice.”  The remedy?  That is the purpose of this book: to summarize, briefly enough for quick and regular review, words of wisdom I have found important enough to remember.

About the Author

Leland Davis is a writer, a professional speaker, and a retired Vice President of the Kroger Company.  He served in the Air Corps in World War II completing 52 combat missions over Europe.  He began his writing career as a copy writer and creative director for two major advertising agencies, in Philadelphia and Los Angeles.  He has written several books, most recently the tri-state best-seller Life Is For Loving It!.