Choosing to Forgive

My Journey to Emotional Healing

by Renee Dee Love



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/05/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781420845464

About the Book

This book was born of a healing process that God has taken me through for my emotional healing from a life of hurt, abuse, and rejection. I pray those with similar hurts of physical, sexual, verbal, emotional and mental abuse will be encouraged in this book to seek God’s healing and restoration. God wants our lives free of pain from our past. God has His best awaiting us all. He also wants us to learn to live in His love and forgiveness. I say to you, “Go for It!” Don’t allow the devil to stop what God has had planned for you from the day you were born.

About the Author

        Renee Dee Love is wife of author and Rev. David L. Love and both are in ministry in the state of Tennessee. After enduring an unloving and abusive life growing up, God has gloriously taken her through emotional and spiritual healing and restoration. Now God is using what the devil meant for bad and turning it around for her good, giving Renee a calling to help lead women to their healing and restoration in Jesus Christ.

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