Holocaust at The Felling

by Bernard W. Haugh



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/11/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781420873887

About the Book

Fenwick Skipsey survives Trafalgar and a massive mining disaster on the Tyneside, before relishing his involvement in the epoch-making success of George Stephenson’s ‘Rocket’ at Liverpool.


His attraction to a spirited girl gives him far more difficult circumstances to cope with. Cannon shot and underground explosions had not prepared him at all for the subtle and potentially more devastating social hurdles gradually and remorselessly ranged against them both.


Their multiple differences of background, education and faith also had to be worked out in the shadow of sporadic but persistent attentions of a deranged murderer. Many have struggled long and hard with the former, and these two could well have done without the latter.

About the Author

Among other things, Bernard W. Haugh is an engineer and a family man. Nothing original there then. His experience of these two particular attributes links him and, of course, millions of his fellow countrymen and women in a personal way to most of the quite profound and significant events in our latter history.


He sees in this nation’s towering contributions to the world’s scientific and social development, the crucial participation and instinctive support of so-called ordinary people in recognizing talent and greatness when it counted.


He has lived in Lincolnshire, on the Tyneside, and in Kensington.  All featured in this novel.