Getting A Grip On Grief

A Handbook for Widowers

by Margaret W. Bickford



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/03/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781420884463

About the Book

GETTING A GRIP ON GRIEF spells out in handbook style what widowers need to accomplish in living through the death of their wives. The first section deals with the time before she dies, when there is a warning, such as in terminal illness. The second part walks a widower through the time of her death, the funeral, and afterwards. So often the survivor needs to know WHAT TO DO NEXT to get through the hardest times. This handbook is candid, specific, and user friendly. Later chapters deal with what the grief process involves and how to rebuild a life without the lost spouse.

About the Author

MARGARET W. BICKFORD is a certified Grief Counselor, Bereavement Specialist, and ordained United Methodist Elder. In the early 1980’s she founded Rockingham Hospice, serving southern New Hampshire. A decade later, she developed the Pastoral Care Department and Bereavement Program at Lourdes Hospice, Paducah, KY. She has presented her work to the Association for Death Education and Counseling, The College of Chaplains, and the National Hospice Organization. Her doctoral work at the Boston University School of Theology in 1996 provided the foundation for this handbook.