Goshinryu Jujitsu

by Jeffrey W. Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/10/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781420885880

About the Book

In the society of today, the potential of encountering a violent situation increases daily. Violence is all over the news be it car jacking, robberies or terrorist acts. People need to learn self-defense techniques that actually work. Goshinryu Jujitsu may be just what the doctor ordered, no fancy techniques that are difficult to learn and dangerous to try in a real life encounter, but simple techniques that are easily learned and have been proven to work. Through years of experience Sensei Brown has learned (sometimes the hard way), that some of the techniques taught in today’s’ martial art schools are great for winning tournaments however when your attacked violently, some of these techniques just do not work. Many of the instructors of today have never had to defend against an attacker that is intent on seriously injuring them. Sensei Brown reveals the techniques that are best suited for self-defense.

Jujitsu is the ancient art of the samurai using empty hands or small weapons and is the mother of many modern arts such as Judo and Aikido. Jujitsu techniques can be traced back to the early 1400’s and include striking, throwing, joint locks and strangulation techniques.

About the Author

JEFFREY W. BROWN is the head instructor of S.M.S. (School of Martial Science) located just outside Raleigh NC. Sensei Brown is a Roko dan (6th degree black belt) Goshin-ryu Jujitsu, Go dan (fith degree black belt) Okinawan Karate, and a black belt in the Bando Snow Tiger system. Along with Twenty-nine years of martial arts experience Sensei Brown has worked in the nightclub industry for over fifteen years as security and management. Over the years Sensei Brown has learned first hand which techniques work and which are just too dangerous to try in a street situation. To contact Sensei Brown to answer any questions or to comment on his book please e-mail Goshinryu@hotmail.com.