NANA the ant

Meet the Frisk Family

by Leo C Frisk Jr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/11/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781420888973

About the Book

The story Nana the Ant began as a single letter to the author’s grandmother. Nana lived in a downstairs apartment in her son’s house. Whenever a member of the family would go to visit, she would always tell us about a new adventure with these tiny black ants. One afternoon, Nana fell and broke her hip requiring an operation to result in her move into a rehabilitation center. The author decided to write short letters every week. Each letter is a chapter and that is how this story was created. The story begins with the Dear Nana letter at the back of the book. As the author writes: Hi there, I was using the computer and thought to write a short letter to you. I was imagining life as if you were an ant right now running around under the ground. You would run from tunnel to tunnel and around in circles hoping and looking for the dining room. You would shout, “Where is the food! I need some food!” You would stop running and stare into darkness with skinny legs and tiny feet shaking. The characters in Nana are a fun re-creation of the Frisk family. The author took each of the members of his family and incorporated their quirky personalities into the bodies of ants and took each of them along with Nana on one adventure after another. The reader will enjoy meeting each member of this family and even though each adventure is a short one, the story will create a smile and sometimes laughing as you read about them to a child or to yourself. The author’s grandmother passed but the family still smiles whenever the story “Nana the ant” is mentioned. It is up to the reader to sit back, relax and enjoy these light-hearted adventures within the different chapters of “Nana the ant”.

About the Author

I am a 55 year-old child whose greatest enjoyment in life is making children grow up and laugh.  I live in a small town in Northern Rhode Island, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.  The quiet that surrounds me allows time to reflect back to my childhood growing up in the country.  A time when I would run, jump and climb though the woods and investigate all that nature had to offer.  Every rock, stream, pond and fallen tree held a different adventure.  My incredible patient and loving mom and dad offer beautiful memories that are incorporated into each story.  I enjoy telling stories to children of all ages.  My family and friends first reaction to early attempts were Keep Practicing!  So, I did.  This story Nana the Ant allowed me to tell several short stories that kept my grandmother entertained for many months.  I offer this story to entertain others that will enjoy the different adventures and learn about the Frisk family.