From The Darkness of the Mind

From the Mind of Tobruk Dark

by Tobruk Dark



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/01/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781420896893

About the Book


This book is Dark… Very Dark… In fact, this book is so dark that I wrote “it” in the Dark… And when it wasn’t Dark enough, I continued to create by writing with my eyes closed… But remember, even closed eyes can see light…Meaning, the more I explored the Darkness (with my eyes closed), the more I was able to see… As if what is discovered in the Dark cannot be ignored… As if Darkness is nothing more than something standing in the Light… As if Light is a Mask that is worn by the Darkness…

Actually, this book is built around the concept of The Spoken Word verses The Written… For you see, I spoke as I wrote while my eyes remained closed… As a result, I began to see that only two types of words exist – those that are spoken and those that are written… An example of The Spoken Word can be found at the very beginning (Genesis 1: 3) when God said, “Let there be light (and there was light)…” The “power” of The Written Word can be seen (even with closed eyes) in any written document that is legally binding… More precisely, what do you call something that is legally binding whose “power” resides in The Written Word?  (An illusion, perhaps?)

But anyway, the more I explored the mysteries of The Spoken Word (remember: When it comes to this book – I spoke as I wrote), the more I began to see the picture behind the picture; namely, if only two types of words exist (The Spoken and The Written), then perhaps there is a bigger classification (for books) than merely fiction or non-fiction… In fact, I began to see that fiction and non-fiction are perfect example illustrating the truth of this statement (or observation): “A fool and water are easily diverted.”[1]Do not be diverted by Fiction or Non-Fiction – it’s bigger than that! As big as the differences between The Blackman’s Guide or The Whiteman’s Handbook…Enjoy…




[1] From a book called African Proverbs…

About the Author



One thing I believe about any author, whether he’s writing fiction or non fiction (or blending both elements together to create something else entirely), is that no matter what the topic for discussion might be, if one looks close enough (diligently enough), one can always find where the author injects his own beliefs info the telling of the story… This is what fascinates me most about reading the writings of others… It’s almost as if by observing the beliefs of others, I can catch them standing still… Then again, as a reader I expect to be entertained when it comes to picking-up a good book…

For example, what if I told you that the 2nd book (in a 4-part series) I am now writing is called The Blackman’s Guide To Understanding It All? Would you believe me?  Perhaps the best thing (for you) to do is not believe it… I mean, who would believe that I found the Lord in the Darkness?  Actually, even the Lord can be found… And I would rather find the Lord myself than to be told where to look… Wouldn’t you? I guess not… But still, if you try to cleanse other (like soap), you’ll waste away in the process… Meaning, even a preacher knows you can’t save everybody… But everybody can change… This is what I’m exploring as we speak (you and I), the ability to change things… As in changing a pebble into a stone… Or changing a tree into a throne… As if wherever I fall asleep – that’s my home… Or maybe, at first I was here but now I’m gone…