Dumb Bells & Dopamine

A Parkinson's Success Story

by Arthur W. Curren



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/12/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781425901851

About the Book

This book is about living with Parkinson's, an incurable, debilitating disease caused by the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain of the afflicted person.  Levodopa is the only drug that replaces some of the dopamine and exercise is the only activity that induces the brain to produce dopamine.  The author uses a rigorous exercise program to reduce the dosage of levodopa and extend the useful life of this essential drug.  This is the author's dumb bells and dopamine approach to controlling Parkinson's.

The author has also addressed some of the social issues related to the disease.  This includes dealing with less than perfect physicians and with the negative situations that exist in the insurance industry and Social Security Administration.

To provide real assistance to people with the disease, the author has included a fully illustrated exercise routine designed for people with Parkinson's.


About the Author

The author is a mechanical engineer.  He has had Parkinson's since 1981 and has achieved a significant degree of success in dealing with the disease.

In 1987 he was a participant in the DATATOP study which was the largest and longest running study on Parkinson's disease.  It was designed to determine the effectiveness of deprenyl and tocopherol on people in the early stages of the disease.

In 2003, twenty-two years after the onset of the disease, the author was evaluated using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale.  On a scale of 0-199, his disability rating was only 32.