Lords Of The Frontier

A Novel of Dynamic Entrepreneuring, Rich in Historic Detail

by W. Bruce Kippen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/03/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 552
ISBN : 9781434343666
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 552
ISBN : 9781438945170

About the Book

W. Bruce Kippen trained as a pilot and flight engineer with the Royal Canadian Air Force, before attending McGill University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree majoring in Economics. His subsequent career studies of leaders in industry, finance, and politics in Canada, the U.S.A., and England has led him to write an intriguing novel relating to historical events narrating the career paths of three dynamic entrepreneurs over a fifty-year period. As a long-time member of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges, and head of the investment firm, Kippen and Company, Inc., he has been instrumental in financing a number of industrial and natural-resource enterprises; including, as a co-founder with a long-time college associate, the formidable base metal mine, Brunswick Mining and Smelting Corporation, now owned by Noranda Mines, Ltd. This was followed by several oil-and-gas-producing companies in Western Canada, which matured into Norcen Energy Resources Ltd., recently acquired by Union Pacific of California for over two billion dollars; and Unican Security Systems, Ltd., a five hundred thousand dollar financing, acquired twenty-five years later by Kaba Holding, A.G., of Italy, for six hundred and fifty million dollars. The firm also assisted in the financing of Great Canadian Oil Sand, Ltd., now Suncor Energy Inc., the pioneer developer of Alberta's Athabasca oil sands reservoir, now producing over six hundred thousand barrels of oil per day. His career experiences as a company founder, corporate executive, investment banker, and political activist, has been the genesis of his ‘novel’ Lords of the Frontier, narrating the careers of three dynamic young men, from their youthful, impecunious years on the western frontier, through the vicissitudes of war, booms, and depression in North America and England, from 1890, through the first forty-two years of the turbulent twentieth century.

About the Author

    W. Bruce Kippen trained as a pilot and flight engineer with the Royal Canadian Air Force, before attending McGill University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree majoring in Economics. His subsequent career studies of leaders in industry, finance, and politics in Canada, the U.S.A., and England has led him to write an intriguing novel relating to historical events narrating the career paths of three dynamic entrepreneurs over a fifty-year period.


     As a long-time member of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges, and head of the investment firm, Kippen and Company, Inc., he has been instrumental in financing a number of industrial and natural-resource enterprises; including, as a co-founder with a long-time college associate, the formidable base metal mine, Brunswick Mining and Smelting Corporation, now owned by Noranda Mines, Ltd. This was followed by several oil-and-gas-producing companies in Western Canada, which matured into Norcen Energy Resources Ltd., recently acquired by Union Pacific of California for over two billion dollars; and Unican Security Systems, Ltd., a five hundred thousand dollar financing, acquired twenty-five years later by Kaba Holding, A.G., of Italy, for six hundred and fifty million dollars. The firm also assisted in the financing of Great Canadian Oil Sand, Ltd., now Suncor Energy Inc., the pioneer developer of Alberta's Athabasca oil sands reservoir, now producing over six hundred thousand barrels of oil per day.


    His career experiences as a company founder, corporate executive, investment banker, and political activist, has been the genesis of his ‘novel’ Lords of the Frontier, narrating the careers of three dynamic young men, from their youthful, impecunious years on the western frontier, through the vicissitudes of war, booms, and depression in North America and England, from 1890, through the first forty-two years of the turbulent twentieth century.