13 Days

by Raven W. Night



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/12/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781425908089

About the Book

Sometimes revenge is carried out beyond the grave. It was not his original plan, but William Grace did just that. He was betrayed by the one that he loved and now wants payback, not just for him but for all of humanity. Two men, John Savior and Colonel Justice, are searching for a serial killer that never leaves behind a clue and that nobody has ever seen. The killer is ghostlike and the murders are gruesome. The twist resides in the sanity of the men chasing the killer. One of them has a troubled past and the other has a more devious secret. In this tainted tale, nightmares become doorways to possible realities and each reality has its own set of rules.

About the Author

Raven W. Night was born in River Falls, Wisconsin but now resides in Irvine, California. His mother died when he was only three years old from congenital heart failure. He was raised solely by his father who worked part time as a mortician. He spent most of his early youth with his father at work as they could not afford proper childcare. Most of his motivation and his writing style came from those youthful experiences. He graduated from college majoring in Biology, but writing has always been his passion.