Osiris, Isis & Planet X

Chasing the Centuries

by Rob Solarion



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/04/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 480
ISBN : 9781425926212
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 480
ISBN : 9781425926229

About the Book

Originally, the Sirius System contained two large stars, blue-white Sirius A (Isis), still the brightest star in our nighttime sky, and red-giant Sirius B (Osiris).  Both were visible from Earth.  Circling these stars was a large planet, the “offspring” of these two stellar “deities”: Horus, or Planet X Nibiru.  This planet was inhabited by “Saurians” who possessed an advanced technology, including space travel.  When red-giant Sirius B imploded and collapsed into its presently invisible neutron-dwarf state, shockwaves from this momentous occurrence catapulted Planet X Nibiru from the Sirius System into our own nearby Solar System.  This cataclysm clearly happened within our recorded history, and it is the primary purpose of this book to explore that event.

About the Author

Robertino “Rob” Solàrion was born and educated in Texas.  He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in Russian and minoring in French.  He subsequently joined the Peace Corps and was assigned to Massaua, Eritrea.  Then he studied Vietnamese and paramilitary tactics at the Foreign Service Institute in Washington and was assigned to the Embassy in Saigon, where he worked as translator and field officer.  He has studied numerous other foreign languages, has graduate credits in linguistics from UCLA and has widely travelled across 50 countries in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.  He is the author of Planet X Nibiru: Slow-Motion Doomsday and Apollonius Of Tyana & The Shroud Of Turin, also with Author House.