George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich

Some call you the haves and the have-mores I call you my Base, GWB October 20, 2004

by Gene P. Abel, Colonel, USAR Ret.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/04/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781425929428

About the Book

George W. Bush Robin Hood for the Rich is intended to help the reader become better informed about the issues that face America. It looks at the approaches the Bush administration has taken and looks at their impact on our country. The book provides suggested alternatives to deal with the mounting number of important issues that will impact our lives. The final section includes over 50 proactive and often humorous Blogs the author has offered. George W. Bush Robin Hood for the Rich is a comprehensive quick read that for some will provide answers and for others stimulate further questions and controversy. The book draws from more then 40 nationally renowned sources.


The author, Gene P. Abel brings a successful and diverse educational and professional background to his analysis of the Bush policy.  Mr. Abel has a formal education that includes a bachelor’s of science degree and a master’s degree in business administration.  He has 30 years as a highly successful business executive in both the private and public sectors overlaid with his 30 years service as a commissioned officer in the United States Army and Army Reserve. Mr. Abel graduated as a Distinguished Military Graduate from Penn State and spent 5 years on active duty as a Regular Army Officer and 25 years as an Army Reserve Officer.  He completed the Army War College in 1985 and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal on two occasions.  He had such diverse assignments as nuclear weapons officer to finance officer.  He retired as a Colonel in 1993. 


He is listed in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Finance and was certified for Senior Executive Service with the Federal government.  He has written other books as well as scores of analytical articles which have been published across the country.  He participated in grassroots politics in the 1970s as a Republican committee person and chaired the campaign of his state representative.  He has a keen interest in our political process and is glad to offer his perspective on how the significant policy changes of President George W. Bush will impact you and your children in the years to come.

About the Author

Gene P. Abel is a person that is not satisfied with the status quo and has always been in the forefront of change.  He was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1941.  Mr. Abel is from a German and Scottish heritage and was educated in the public school system.  He earned a B.S. from Penn State in finance/economics and an MBA from Lehigh University.  He was a distinguished military graduate and received a regular army commission as a second lieutenant in the field artillery branch of the Army in 1963. Abel served as a nuclear weapons officer in Germany and a member of the nuclear release authority that begins with the President and ended with Lt Abel. Upon the completion of his tour in Germany, he spent two years as a finance officer at Ft Lewis, Washington. After four years of active duty he accepted a reserve commission as a Captain in the Army Reserve and left active duty in 1968.


He remained in the Army Reserve until 1993 and retired at the rank of Colonel.  He is a graduate of the Army War College and was awarded numerous medals including a Meritorious Service Medal on two occasions.  He was promoted to Colonel after only 19 years of service and was nominated for promotion to general officer soon after completing the Army War College.  However, his lack of combat service, which is most likely the result of his very sensitive assignment in nuclear weapons, prevented his promotion to the ranks of general officer. Colonel Abel’s last assignment was as the Commander of the US Army Financial Services Activity. This unit had the responsibility to insure payment and the financial operations for of up to 500,000 troops in time of war.


After leaving the Army, he became a financial analyst in the space and electronics industries.  In 1969 he began a13 year career as a mid-level executive at the University of Pennsylvania and then at the Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital.  In 1981, he was asked to return active duty to head the team redesigning the military pay system of the Army Reserve and National Guard.



In 1983, upon returning to civilian life, he became an officer of a 2-billion-dollar bank where he was in charge of the bank operations at over 50 locations. In 1985, Mr. Abel returned to education and was appointed Dean of Business Services at the Reading Area Community College. His last position was the chief operating officer for one of the largest school districts in Pennsylvania.  During the more than 12 years he served as the chief operating officer of the Central Bucks School District, he built over $120 million of new schools in addition to running this rapidly growing school system.


Mr. Abel was active in politics in the 70's and served as a committee person and campaign chairman for the state legislator in his area.  His biography appears in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Finance and he was certified for Federal Senior Executive Service positions.


He has written scores of articles that have been published throughout the country.

In 1998 he retired to Southwest Florida with Carol, his wife of 26 years.  He is president of the Cape Coral Housing, Rehabilitation and Development Corporation, a nonprofit organization that provides low-income senior housing and helps low income homeowners repair their homes.