Oradour-The Final Verdict

Worst Nazi War Crime in France, The Controversial Trial and Recent Discoveries

by Douglas W. Hawes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/04/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 294
ISBN : 9781425986544

About the Book

Relying on multiple eye witness accounts and thorough research in French, American and Résistance archives, the author describes in Part I, hour by hour, the massacre on June 10, 1944, by the Waffen-SS Division Das Reich, of 642 men, women and children in the village of Oradour-sur-Glane and the destruction of the village.. Who ordered the massacre? Why ? The book puts the tragedy in the context of the D-Day Landing and the period that precedes it. Part II is devoted to the conduct of the trial nearly nine years later. Of the 21 accused, only 7 were Germans. The others, all French/Alsatians, had mostly been forcibly inducted into the SS. None were officers. Were the Alsatians victims or murderers? And why were there no officers in the courtroom?

About the Author

Recent research by Douglas W. Hawes, uncovered the fact that 1) the 53 year old American who came less than four months after the massacre to take depositions of the survivors and make a report for VP Harry S. Truman, was Ector O. Munn, Palm Beach socialite and equivalent of a today’s billionaire, and 2) the famous French photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson acting as a résistant, visited Oradour about the same time as Munn to record the ruins and survivors. Douglas W. Hawes, retired New York lawyer, living in France since 1989 New Edition Updated