War Bonds I

A Call 2 Arms

by Natasha



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/10/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781425946067

About the Book

Our hearts could not bare the reality of their leaving for war until the very VERY last minute and as they marched off bravely, boldly; like a paper valentine our hearts were torn in half . Seven time zones away and a year to wait for their return and in this was the challenge. How to stay connected and be a helper somehow to them. So that if and when they returned , the bonds that were made; tested ,tried and true would be an unbreakable cord to the author of our Love for them. So as they fought for Iraqui freedom we would fight for them and there would be a place in History in all our lives in more that words alone, where we stood together in unity- where LOVE triumphed as bone of His B ONE in awe Song of Solomen yea awe men 2 Real Warriors woo wooD. understand what it real E. costs 4 - 4E dome- 2 rein or ring   with LOVE, Natasha

About the Author

Southern Texas Island drama queen poet artist nurse keeps a journal for warriors fighting for the freedom of Eden and purposes in her heart to travail with them this journey for a year simply describing what she hears and sees in order to share it with others as significant—because aren't we all called to fight for freedom?