The Adventures of Diana

The Underworld

by James W. Balister



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/07/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781425940768

About the Book

Diana will change your life forever!  Diana is the story of an average girl who’s life gets turned upside-down when she enters the underworld, where boredom will never be hers again.  To set the stage for her adventures many strange things happen around the country starting with------

     The U.S. military tries to get back an underground alien base that they lent to the aliens by fighting them for it.

     George Thompson looses his eighteen wheeler to a U.F.O. crew.

     Sue and Rocko get abducted while making out in the New Mexico desert on a dark starry night.

     Dennis and Jim are abducted from a small town in Wisconsin while watching a meteor shower late one night in the middle of August.

     Barbara Minsky is abducted by aliens and used for sex experiments.

     Vicki Kay is given a tour of a giant space cruiser.

     George Ellis is a secret agent for Naval Intelligence.  He steals a video tape of aliens working side-by-side with scientists and military personal who are experimenting on humans.

     Joe Summer has a vision of Mary Mother of God, who tells him about the coming war.

     Diana’s story starts with her loosing her job.  On her hunt for a new job she meets the love of her life, David.  Life for them is happily blissful until the day of the earthquake.  After that day she is faced with flying saucers, alien abductions, fire breathing dragons, pixies, flying horses, giant spiders, alien robots, leprechauns, giant space battle cruisers, shocker cannons, underground cities, alien bases on the moon, many wars, and the end of the world!

     Things happen fast when Diana gets Pete Marshall, the geologist and Bob Carter to go to the site of the cave-in to clear away the rubble so that they can enter the tunnel system that Dave’s crew discovered.

     After a short time of work in clearing away the debris, the wall melts reveling a flying saucer who’s occupants, the Ro, believe that the three workers are escaped slaves of the empire and take them prisoner.  In route to the vast underground empire called Ancient City, the saucer is shot down by the evil ManDwarf who kill everyone and take Diana prisoner.

     A recon craft and several attack saucers are sent to rescue Diana and bring her to Ancient City.  Once there she meets up with David and Mike who are about to be sold as slaves, just like her!

     Diana saves Caesar’s life and is given her freedom as well as her companions.  Being free they decide to explore the underworld and get hopelessly lost so search for a way back to the surface.

     They soon get captured by the warring ManDwarf but are rescued by the S.D.U. robot that they came across earlier. 

     They save a pixie named Crissie from the clutches of a giant man sized spider.  Crissie becomes a valued friend.

     Soon they find the Temple of Light where the great Oracle dwells.  The light tells them that he is all knowing and all powerful.  He also talks of the many wonders of the universe.

     While looking into a black crystal Diana is suddenly zapped away by an old wizard and taken prisoner in his cold damp castle.  She is saved by the Oracle.

     World war 111 begins both on the surface and in the underworld.  During the war the Earth tilts on it’s axes destroying most of what is left of the human race.  Few survive.

     Diana meets Michael, the ruler of the universe, for the second time, and is made a princess by him.  All of Diana’s friends are returned to her, including Jake, Dave’s dog who Diana is very fond of.  Diana and David get married.

About the Author

James W. Balister, who was influenced by his father Alex, who had written hundreds of poems and published several songs, started out writing poetry and received several awards for his efforts.  With that accomplished it was time for him to move on to the story that lurks in the back of the mind of every writer.  For James it was the Adventures of DIANA, The Underworld.

     James served with the U.S. Army 82 Airborne Division, Honest John Rocket Battery in 1961, then moved on to Special Forces.

     James retired from Pabst Brewing Co. Milwaukee Wisconsin, and plans to write several more books of DIANA’s adventures in his free time. 

     He married his wife Christine in 1964 and has two children and three grandchildren. 

     James is interested in model railroading and stamp collecting.  He also collects meteorites. 

     He enjoys barbecuing in the back yard and long walks with his Alaskan Malamute, Little Bear.