The Invisible Keys

Bad Choices, Good People

by Dean and Tammie Carter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/08/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781425952136

About the Book

About The Book

            Convinced or Converted, Conformed or Transformed, a New Person or just a New Fad? Real change does not rub or wear off and real transformation requires “Revelation”, light within, Ramah.


Teachers, Coaches, and Rehab Instructors:

            Do good people make bad choices? How are habits formed? Is there any truth to generational curses? How does a loosing spirit invade the heart of a winner? How does a winning athlete or ball club seemingly loose it? How does the soul function and how does the spirits of anger, lust, addictions and greed attach?

            What the world calls neuro-associative conditioning, the Bible calls spiritual warfare. Even though modern science does not remotely approach the depth of the spirit world or spiritual warfare, clear and well defined keys will allow the educator access to areas of change within the soul.


Ministries, Evangelist and Ministers:

             Well known to the Body of Christ, is the fact that one’s outer world is constantly in harmonious balance with the inner world of thought. Unknown to most, real change of one’s outer world and circumstances are, and will be directly connected to the change of the inner world of thought.

            What are the controlling forces within the thought world? What is a spirit? How is a spirit bound and, or loosed? Can spirits be controlling people? Can a spirit be on a whole family? How about over a business or a whole church?


INVISIBLE KEYS are revealed as you follow the life of a little girl who drown at age six and was brought back to help others escape the prison camp of the free.

            Hidden well within the pages are the sparkling keys that can only be found by those that seek to help others. The keys to the heart, the mind, the soul, Heaven, Hell, and your outer world of circumstance and habits are compacted within the lightening bolts of revelation contained within.

            When the children of Israel left Egypt, they spent forty years in the wilderness to finally enter a promised land that was only an eleven day journey from where they began.

            With our utmost respect, we submit to you the keys revealed to us by the lightening from the storm clouds in our wilderness journey. May your journey to the promises of God be shortened by the use of the Invisible Keys.

About the Author

Dean and Tammie Carter are known worldwide for their stand against American Terrorism and Racism in the 1987 Brotherhood Marches commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King’s first federal holiday. Having addressed issues of race, culture, and social change, Dean and Tammie have had an impact on people’s lives around the world and have been fondly named, “Freedom Fighters”.

Dean received the honored, “Drum Major for Justice” award from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and some of his most cherished memories are speaking from Mr. King’s pulpit at Ebenezer Baptist Church, and marching arm in arm with history, Mrs. Coretta Scott King.

Tammie’s ministry to women in jails, rehabs, pantries, and shelters, has altered the course of countless lives. Being thrown into a trash pile and left to die by her addict mother, at two days of age, Tammie was rescued by God to set women free from generational curses and the spirit of rejection.

Dean, at age twelve made his home under bridges, brings a sense of faith, focus, follow through, and forgiveness to a nation of men under the curse of the fatherless.

Being featured in documentaries and books for effectively creating environments of change, Dean and Tammie’s impact on people and communities will be felt for decades to come.

Outreach Christian Ministry, lead by Dean and Tammie Carter is an evangelical outreach. From feeding the hungry to helping churches build high impact teams, Dean, Tammie, and their three sons are impacting lives with the “INVISIBLE KEYS”


For information on

Dean and Tammie Carter

and Outreach Christian Ministry


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