All Proud Americans! Take It! You Need It! “Your Reality Check”

Fraud, Deception and Pure Propaganda, Via “Uncle Scam”, Mr. Hide Your Rights! Have “Duped Us”, From Day One!




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/05/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781425962067

About the Book

Authors Preface

It is impossible for a man to learn, what he thinks he already knows! Most Americans believe that the U.S Government is protecting privacy rights and private property. The sad truth is, through the Act of 1871, and HJR 192, our government has abandoned its’ duty to the supreme office holder, the sovereign Citizen.

The third Roosevelt administration, took advantage of its’ pseudo authority and effectively duped the masses, by fraud, then, enacted the treasonous provisions of the “New Deal”! Yet, few Americans are actually aware of, that grand deception. We the People were dealt a foreign judicial system, which overturned the original “chain of command”, and, unlawfully prosecutes all, for “Public Policy” violations.

The “Act of 1871” unlawfully claimed THE UNITED STATES as sovereign. In 1933, HJR 192 initiated “Public Policy”, instead of Common Law, and, issued U.S. “debt instruments”, Federal Reserve Notes, instead of silver certificates. Also, by design, the public education system, of the “U.S.” government, deliberately, failed its’ duty, to fully educate all Americans, of their lawful birthright, that of “sovereign” rights!

Article 1 Section 10 of the Texas Constitution states, quote; and no person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense, unless on an indictment of a grand jury, end quote! By law, no public servant is to act against your liberty, unless he has actually witnessed you, commit a felonious act, or exigent circumstances exit. Or, if there has been a sworn affidavit filed, naming you as the perpetrator of a felony.

His sworn duty is expressed in the preamble of Article 1 of the Bill of Rights, quote; That the general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognized and established, we declare: end quote!

Liberty is precious, second only to life itself! That is why “we the People” have authorized “public servants” to guard and protect “our sovereignty”. They are authorized to act “only” against actual Common Law crimes. The essential duty of “public servants”, was/is to serve and protect, the “liberty”, property and sovereign rights of the People. Can “our” free society exist, abide, and flourish, if we do not honor our God given liberty as a precious part of life, not to be infringed upon without a binding cause? Liberty, precious, God given liberty, cannot be infringed upon, simply because “our” representatives, have chosen to allow their agents to misapply commercial codes, above the inherent rights of the sovereign People.

In this country, one is considered to be a criminal, if one is cited, not wearing a seat belt. And, if you fail to pay the agency, “claiming criminal behavior”, they will arrest you! Even though, there is no victim, no verified complaint, no indictment, no felonious act, and no exigent circumstances existed, to condone your seizure.

The public servants within “our” government have sworn an oath, to protect the essential principal of liberty? Our God given, liberty! So, can a victimless crime, lawfully exist? Proverbs 3 – 30 & 31 says; Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm. Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways

About the Author

I am the second of three sons of Charles and Betty Duncan, and was born on October 4th, 1951 in York, South Carolina. I grew up, under the watchful eye, of the most grand of Grandmas, clinging to her apron strings daily, and/or roaming the foothills surrounding the family farm. The farm was located about five miles west of Clover, South Carolina in a pristine hollow, amid a vocal and vibrant forest. My love for Grandma, and that exuberant life on the family farm is beyond compare. She was the guiding, gracious and sensitive woman that gave our family such structure, love and purpose. She raised twelve children, and was loved and cherished by all that knew her. I am deeply thankful to have had such a grand woman, as the first and most influential part of my life.

My family moved to Tampa, Florida when I was ten years old, and I lived there for almost thirty years. I graduated from Hillsborough High School in 1969, with “great expectations”.

It was not until learning the fundamentals of my sovereign birthright that I realized the true genius of “our” self-government, and felt, there is reason, for great expectations for this country once again!