What's The Matter?

An Analysis of Life's Mysteries

by David W. Teel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/09/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781425962319

About the Book

   "What's The Matter?" is a logical analysis of life's most debated mysteries.  There are many institutions in our society that offer explanations on the phenomena of our existence and the creation of all things, and these explanations are accepted as facts.  However, this book exposes the weaknesses in these contemporary philosophies, and presents new thought and insight on reality.  "What's The Matter?" will assist you in gaining a more complete perspective on life from an entirely different point of view.

About the Author

      David W. Teel majored in accounting at the University of Arizona, however, his lifelong passion is metaphysics.  While in college, he attended courses in physics, philosophy, mythology, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, and physical geography to aid him in gaining an overall understanding of life.  In addition to his collegiate studies, David independently studied philosophy, science, theoretical physics, and religion.

      "What's The Matter?" is David's first publication, and though he considers his work a major accomplishment, becoming a father was his proudest and most enlightening moment.