by Mel Bogen

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/01/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 472
ISBN : 9781425961138

About the Book

What this book is about is no more important than knowing what an apple is about. What is important is what you experience, when you bite into an apple. What you, the reader, will experience, when you sink your teeth into what is in this book, is what is going to make this book valuable, to you. This book comes in two parts. The first part is to prepare you, for your relationship with the, actual, book, which is the second part. This book is an invitation, to you, the reader, to enter your heart and to recognize your truth and the value of your ideas, which emanate from your truth, in ways, which can inspire you. This book is an ancient medicine, which is thousands of years old, presented, to you, in a way, which can get you to laugh, as your pain begins to disappear and understandings arise, from deep inside of you, simultaneously. If you want to live, in a world, where people are compassionate, forgiving, generous, understanding and humorous, not because it's the right thing to do, but, just, because that's what they do, like the sun comes out, in the morning, because that's, just, what it does, then this book's got something in it, for you, that you'll find refreshing. This book gets you to be an active participant, in what you are reading; and, so, this book is about you. This book uses the problems of education and children's theatre, to assist you, in your opportunity to end your suffering and to heal the problems, in education and children's theatre, world wide, simultaneously, while, also, removing your obstacles to recognizing your Self Awareness.

About the Author

     Once upon a time, poetry became Mel's introduction to writing.  He's a world traveler; and people, world wide, have been touched, by his poetry, in magical ways.  His passion is the ancient secrets of medicine.  At the age of eight, he decided to become a rhino-plastic surgeon, psychiatrist and structural reintegrationist, with a focus on the transforming healing power of breathing; and, at about that time, he began studying the history of medicine and Carl Jung.

    After doing Stand-up Comedy, in Atlantic City, he went to North Beach, in San Francisco, to become an actor, during the Beatnik era of the 50's; and, in the mid 60's, when he helped start The Artist Workshop, in Detroit, with people, like Joanie Mitchell, he studied creative writing and poetry, with D. Snodgrass, a Pulitzer Prize winning poet, who said, "All that I can say about your poetry, Mel, is that it is magical."  He has, always, been given The Grace to learn from the greatest living teachers, in every field that he ventured into. The kind of writing that you are going to read, in this book, is the kind of writing that Pierre Valyhat Khan, Charan Singh, Yogi Bhajan, Alan Watts, Ram Dass, Ramurki Mishra M.D., John Lennon, Jerry Garcia, Ali Akbar Khan, Jim Henson, Estelle Parsons, Burgess Merideth and Dennis Hopper were, once, tuned into.

    He mixes Humpty Dumpty with the teachings of Self-realized Masters.  With Mel, you need to be ready, for surprises, and catch what he says, before it disappears.  Right in the middle of a deep, philosophical segment of what he's saying, he'll stop and start asking you questions, in a way that your own answers can knock your socks off and make you remember, what's special, about you.  He's not the greatest of writers; but, then again, nobody writes like he does.  In some ways, his writing is kind of wierd.  He's the kind of a writer, who can put you in an easy chair, with a peanut butter sandwich, and invite you to have a high time, tunning into your own Self-revealing humor, just for the fun of it.  His, only, rule is: will what he's writting be a benefit, to you, the reader, in getting you to recognize your Self Awareness and have serene contentment.