My Guardian Angel and Me

by Arlan W. Horman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/03/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781449075064

About the Book

            Major Arlan W. Horman was a combat engineer during WWII and the Korean War. He kept is Guardian Angel busy from protecting him and from dying when a WWI French gun next to him exploded during a training exercise and a plan crashing into a river which he was supposed to be on. Also, he could’ve been bitten by a coral snake, instead, it bit the soldier sleeping next to him and the soldier died.

About the Author

            Arlan W. Horman was born on Nov. 18, 1917 on a small 60 acre farm in La Cross County, Lake Neshonoc, Wisconsin. He was a WWI baby and was born to German parents who had left Germany. He was drafted into the army as a private and retired as a major due to his great leadership ability and intellect. He went to an engineering school but wasn’t able to graduate because he was drafted by the army. He was trained an engineer in the army. As a civilian he was a civil engineer and helped to build power plants, bridges and highways.