The Blackman's Guide To Understanding It All...

by Tobruk Dark



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04/06/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781425988234

About the Book

   This book scares me..but not in the way a coward might fear a confrontation (or my opponent might fear The Checkmate!)... In this example, i have already confronted that which i feared... That's what The First Book (From The Darkness of The Mind...) is all about - confronting your fears... I had to confront the fear of being lost in The Darkness (as i wrote that first book)... Of course, being lost in The Darkness was only the beginning... Then again, so is finding The Lord... I mean, who would've thought, while exploring The Darkness of The Mind that i would find The Lord in The Darkness? Almost as if He was already there... As if He was waiting for me to find Him... As if even The Lord can be found... As if what's discovered in The Dark cannot be ignored...

   Then again, not even The Lord is easily ignored... And since it is impossible to ignore The Lord once The Lord has been found, i decided to follow The Lord... In fact, it was during that transition from finding (The Lord) to following (The Lord) that i realized if ever i complete a Second Book, that book itself would begin my proof The Lord is there... As if somewhere out there, The lord is there... As if The Blackman's Guide To Understanding It All is nothing more than proof The Lord exists... I present that proof in this Book! And yet, i'm still afraid... It's almost as if The Terror of The Lord is upon us and we don't even know it... As if even the Devil fears The Lord... As if even The Lord can be cruel sometimes... As if it's The Lord that kills you...

   (See Free Preview for the remainder of this discussion...)

About the Author

   One thing I believe is that One should never hesitate to take a gamble with themselves...Meaning, one should invest in themselves if they want to see growth... However, don't get me wrong by confusing what I'm saying with selfishness... What I'm not saying is that the only way to get ahead is through selfish means... What I am saying is that a true investment takes sacrifice... A selfish person sacrfices nothing...Not only that but anything you get is something you gain... And there is no gain without sacrifice. Ask anyone who has ever gotten "ahead" to see if I'm speaking The Truth.

   Then again, One should accept how it is, not how they want it to be... Accept the fact that This Book (The Blackman's Guide To Understanding It All) is nothing more than the second part to a four-part series... Accept the fact that the third book (of a 4-Part Series) will be called The Innerverse (also by Tobruk Dark)... Accept the fact that at first I had to find The Lord (The First Book), then I followed The Lord (This Book), now I fear The Lord (The Innerverse)... Accept the truth that when The Lord is involved, even illegal activities become sucessful activities... As if it's true that if there are no witnessess, then there is no crime... As if the first thing you should know if your hustle is dope is that the bigger the bundle, the bigger The Profit... As if the true definition of a hustle is simply an innovative way of making money... As if what you have in your hands is nothing more than a hustle... And like I've already said, one should never hesitate to take a gamble with their lives...