Faith That Overcomes

How To Battle Cancer and Win!

by Patricia Coons



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/05/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781425995331

About the Book

“Fear not; [there is nothing to fear] for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you [to difficulties]; yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My victorious right hand of rightness and justice.” Isaiah 41:10 (AMP) I wrote this book with the objective of helping women who are battling against cancer. I know there are many books out on the market about different people who have fought cancer. However, I never saw one written on a person’s own experience. What actually happens to a person who goes through chemotherapy? What goes on in the body during this time? What goes on in the mind? First, listen to what the doctor says that is treating you. Be sure to get all the information up front from the doctor. If your doctor wants you to read papers on your therapy instead of explaining the treatments personally, find someone else. Be prepared and be sure to have a good Bible-believing church and people who will support you. This book starts out a little depressing, but I guarantee that it does not stay that way. Just be patient and keep reading. My own personal story began in the early 1970’s when I was just a teenager, and I was also engaged to my husband. My mother and my sister have been through removal of breast cysts. Unfortunately, I ended up having to have the same thing done. My fiancée and I were new born-again Christians. We did not know much about the Word of God. We had older Christians who were disciplining us on our new walk with the Lord. It was fun and exciting. Both of us were on fire for God and wanted to learn more. After our marriage, we attended a spirit-filled, spirit-controlled United Methodist church. We were originally raised in the United Methodist Church. My parents were members of a church in one city. DeWayne’s father was a United Methodist minister at another church. During the recession in the 1970’s, my husband got a job in Iron Mountain in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan where he relocated us. We attended an Assembly of God church there which we liked very much. At this time God began to develop our talent in writing plays. We performed a number of our own plays while living there. After living in Iron Mountain the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for three years, we moved back down to the Flint area. We attended the Methodist church that my parents attended and worked in the church, joining the choir. A couple of years later I was asked to direct a choir at a Nazarene church. We attended that church for about 3 years. During all this time, we kept questioning our religion and relationship with God. There had to be more than just living. Moreover, why did bad things happen to people? Where was God in tragedy? There had to be answers. One night, we were watching television. We stumbled on a program that had a man named Kenneth Copeland speaking. We sat entrenched. He was answering all our questions. We learned that God had given Christians authority on earth to defeat the devil, to overcome sickness, poverty, depression. We did not have to put up with all the nonsense that the devil was dishing out. We so much wanted to find a church that taught the same thing. Our hunger for the Word of God grew, and we knew we had to get more instruction, but where? We left our church service one night discouraged, because we were not being fed the Word of God. One day, DeWayne had passed a sign advertising a service being held at a church which was featuring Charles Capps, a minister who taught the Word of God like Kenneth Copeland. He was very excited! A church like Kenneth Copeland’s, possibly. He had to check it out. I was pregnant with my son at the time and did not feel like getting out. DeWayne decided to attend a service to feel out this church. When he came home, he was so excited; it was all I could do to calm him down so he could tell me what he had found. He said that he had found our church. The Pastor of the church had preached the exact same message as our minister had done, but instead of condemnation, it was with love and the Word of God instead. The Nazarene minister was leaving the church at the end of the month, so we decided it would be a good idea to leave at the same time. That was how we found Faith Fellowship Ministries. We have been members now for over 20 years. We also continued to write and produce plays. Suddenly, I was struck down with cancer with virtually no warning. What would we do now? How were we supposed to fight this? Through the teaching at Faith Fellowship, we learned that the Word of God was our weapon. God had given us a way to fight. What was it Dr. Barancik said that was in the Bible? “By whose stripes, ye were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24. (KJV) Thank you, Pastor, for obeying the Lord in preaching God’s Word and praying for us. Without your assistance, we never would have learned how to stand on the Word of God.

About the Author

Patty was the director of the TV/Video Department at Faith City Church (formally Faith Fellowship Ministries) in Fenton, Michigan. She was also producer and director of the church’s new theater group, “Royal Court Productions.” The vision for Royal Court is to take back the media and theater for Christ and to reach our community for Jesus. This is a theater group geared for family and Christian entertainment by performing musicals, dramas, comedies, and some original productions. Her husband, DeWayne, supports and works beside her in the theater. Both are accomplished playwrights and directors. Their first production, “Godspell” was performed in 2003 with great results. Both are also involved in the local community theater, Fenton Village Players. They have worked on stage, behind the stage, and have directed and produced different productions for Fenton Village Players. DeWayne and Patty are proud parents of 4 children: 2 girls and 2 boys plus 4 grandchildren. Both daughters are married with one of them living across from DeWayne and Patty. The oldest son is also married. The last son graduated Valedictorian in 2005 from Good Heritage Academy.