Mountains Move When We Pray Fervently

by Dr. Vernise W. Butler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/02/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781434302861

About the Book

Mountains Move When We Pray Fervently is not just another book about prayer or asking God to move our mountains of personal problems.  The author has incorporated examples, definitions, and incidents to show several ways we should effectively and fervently pray.  Without a fervent prayer life, mountains represent our lack of blessings.  The author takes us back to her early childhood days and relates some of her upbrings and experiences that led her down the 'Spiritual Path,' which she still follows today.

So as a believer, her godly assignment now is to love, obey God, assist others, and spread the Gospel throughout the world.  She found assistance in carrying out her assignment from and through the following guides:

Jehovah Jireh - Our Provider; Jehovah Rophe - Our Healer;  Jehovah Rohi - Our Shepherd; El Shaddai - Our All-Sufficent One

Men ought always to pray and not faint.  Fiery prayers keep us alert and vigilant.








About the Author



      Dr. Vernise Butler is a retired teacher and administrator from the Florida Palm Beach County School Systems. Her 37-year tenure allowed her to excel from public classroom teaching to adult vocational administrator. Lastly taking on the role of director at various educational levels in public schools and churches.  After graduating from Florida A & M University, she earned a Masters degree from Florida Atlantic University and a doctorate from Florida State University. She retired in 1989, and continued working in school systems on a smaller scale and began pursuing her dream of writing a book. Today she resides in the Atlanta, Georgia area and has three wonderful children.