When Once Two Hearts...

A Poetic Glimpse of the Love and Affection of God

by Kim Allen Akers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/10/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781434317131

About the Book


For many thousands of years people from all walks of life throughout the many cultures of history have used poetry to express the depth of human emotion and hope. There is no communication that is as profound as conversing with God, telling Him what we think or feel, and hearing Him respond to us in a loving and kind way. Is this really possible? Absolutely! God Himself is very poetic, and as the Creator of poetic verse, He naturally draws us to Himself when we express our hearts in this manner.  Take a journey into the Heart of God, and discover what author Kim Allen Akers discovered, that God is a very caring God. Allow Him to give you a poetic glimpse of the amazing love and affection He has for you!

About the Author

Kim Allen Akers is a veteran worship leader and teacher in the Body of Christ. A graduate of Ball State University, Kim is Pastor of Father's Heart Ministries, an outreach worship ministry. His specific calling is to worship God, to be amazed by Him, and to share how we each can be changed by God's Presence through worship. Kim and his wife of over 33 years, Kristine, have been involved in music ministry for over 34 years, and are proud parents of a very talented son, Kevin.