Giver of all good peace, thank you for the serenity you offer to believers. Reason cannot understand your peace for it is a gift of wholeness that comforts with forgiveness, heals the broken spirit and gives rest to mind and body. Lord, I find deep harmony in you above all else. Keep me centered in you as Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier so nothing disrupts this profound peace. Your gift of contentment is more satisfying than any human activity, and the calmness of your peace is so enveloping that it can come only from you. Thank you for the sweet, deep peace that comes from trusting you, Almighty God. I pray through the mediation of Jesus. Amen
Sun of the universe and Maker of all, I praise you along with your creation. With the galaxies I sing of your awe-inspiring power. With the sun I rejoice at the light and heat you provide for the earth’s creatures. With clouds I marvel at your gift of changing weather. With mountains I proclaim your might and majesty. With animals I marvel that you assigned human beings as caretakers of the earth. With birds I sing of your grace. With members of all races I praise the great variety in the human family. Lord God, praise does not always come easily since prayer often turns inward, so keep me praising you until my last breath. You are the Author of all that exists, and the universe is your handwriting. I offer you praise and thanksgiving, and joy fills my heart at the wonders of your creation. In your Son’s name I praise you. Amen
Creator of the universe, once a Soviet cosmonaut bragged that he looked everywhere in space without finding you. He and others think they know where you should be, as if you should appear at their command. Creator and Provider of all that exists until the end of time, no one can make you appear or disappear with magic, yet people still ask where you are, especially in times of tragedy and danger. Some claim that you must be absent when calamity strikes, as if you are too old and feeble to bear the sight of blood. Lord God, I know where you were and where you are: hung on a cross between two thieves and wracked with pain and suffering. You were there when Jesus suffered and died, and you continue to show yourself where pain and suffering appear. Mighty One, help me sense your presence as I work to relieve suffering, for you are my partner in the battle against evil. Hear me for his sake. Amen
Lord Jesus, we know little about your appearance while you walked the earth in ancient Palestine, but still we seek your image. Born of the virgin Mary, you grew up as a Jewish boy in the backcountry village of Nazareth. Through the centuries artists have portrayed you as a babe in arms, inquisitive twelve year old, teaching rabbi, crucified man and reigning king in sketches, paintings and sculpture, among other forms. No one knows what your appearance was, but your visage is reflected in all persons who are served in your name. You tell us that what we do for the least of them is done for you, so we see your image in men, women and children who suffer from abuse, addiction, hunger, disease, natural catastrophe and other miser