From Dust to the Skies

A Call to Every Child, Adult, and All to Intentionally Overcome Brutal Life's Blows

by Norris M. Ncube



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/08/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781434326263

About the Book

To rise from the dust and leap to the sky is a dream of many.  This book is intended to show how it is practically possible for each of us to change the course of events in our lives in case we are taking the wrong direction.  The book is about one child’s life, but really, every one of the readers will find something that relates to his or her life’s story.  It is the objective of this writing that many, many other people who have experienced hardships as they were growing up will take time to relate their stories of how they moved from point A to point Z. 

There are some lessons in this story that the writer has learned as he journeyed to bliss, and it is his intention that each reader may catch a glimpse of them and develop them into a better working system for self and for the whole community.  Many of the readers of this work may be great writers, and therefore, the writer encourages that they take time and teach these lessons more.

This book is great for people of all classes.  The successful will appreciate where they came from while the trodden, struggling souls will realize that there is a way out of the suppressing closet.  Devoted teachers, pastors, community volunteers, Hollywood personnel, presidents, and kings will find this narration interesting, and therefore fit to be used in building up the members within their sphere of influence.

This book could have been given a title such as, Ten Steps to Prosperity, but the writer thought it best to relate true events covered with pain, wonder, dreams, perseverance, goal-setting, and relationships, and community participation as the ideal method of helping all that want to better their lives.  To sum it up, this work is all about the sayings, “It is possible,”  “You can do it,”  “Try again,” “Never give up,” “ Keep dreaming,” “Trust the Almighty,” and so forth. 

About the Author

Norris Ncube is a teacher at the Henry County Schools.  He recently graduated with a Master of Education-Special Education from the Grand Canyon University through an online program.  He earned a Bachelor of Science from the Indiana State University after which he passed the teacher licensing examinations administered by the Indiana Professional Standards Board.  Prior to the BS, Norris graduated from a four-year teacher-training program from the Gwanda ZINTEC College in Gwanda, Zimbabwe.  Teaching is his call as is shown by schools he has attended.

Norris’s life in the dark side of Zimbabwe was in no way different from many children in the world, especially in the western hemisphere.  He experienced parental divorce, war, loss of siblings, and many other life-wrenching experiences.  However, from all those blows, Norris found favor from above and saw his exit from poverty in attending school and staying out of trouble.  Unlike many children who are either born in Christian families, Norris, as a teenager, became the first Christian in his paternal family; a decision he believes helped him stay focused on his goals.

At a tender age Norris decided to be educated, get married and have a great relationship with his spouse, raise children in a better place than he was raised, and to live in far places such as Scotland.  All those dreams have been more than fulfilled to this day.  He is married to his beautiful Princess, has four lovely children, and resides in the United States, an over-fulfillment of the Scotland dream.

His current dream is to impart life-changing lessons to the community, especially to the youth and young adults who may be struggling to find their purpose for life.  Norris is a believer is affirmations because it is from such positive wisdom that his mentors reached within him to plant the seeds for big dreams.  He is a proponent for reading great books.  It is from such books that he attained what the Department of Education refers to as the “Highly Qualified Teacher,” for its NCLB program.  The sky is his limit, as it should be for all.