America is Good

by Stephen A. Jones



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/07/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781434363213

About the Book

America is Good teaches children as young as 7, what they need to know to be good American citizens.  It factually covers the story of America from it's beginning to 2007 and even speaks of America's future.  It reinforces pride in America for readers of all ages.

The book uses pictures and diagrams to teach civics and simplified concepts to young children and newly literate readers.  It is a great teaching tool.  While good for everyone, it is ideal for those who have difficulties reading and/or understanding concepts.

Topics covered include: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, government, WWII & the attack on 9/11/2001.

Concepts covered include: Justice, Influence, expression, respect, honor, Liberty & Capitalism.

It is endorsed by the Autism Society of North Carolina.  I am retired, and live in Hendersonville, NC.  Though never diagnosed, as a young child I had behavior problems similar to someone with Autism.  I will donate a portion of book sale profits to help kids with Autism.

About the Author

I was born in Indianapolis, in 1942.  About 2 years later, I got a severe case of Chicken Pox.  When I recovered, I was no longer walking or talking, and would smash my favorite toy whenever I got mad.  I was seen by many different doctors, had many clinical tests, and stayed in a “Home for problem kids” for over a year.  There were lots of different diagnoses, none of which could be verified.  I eventually started walking again.  Over 18 months later at about age 4, I finally started talking again. 

I struggled in school and had difficulties emotionally and socially.  Thanks to my wonderful family and environment, I progressed through school, but was usually unhappy, and often depressed.  I tried college, but flunked out.  After passing a special summer tech education program, I got a job with the state of Indiana. 

In early 1966, I met a 19 year old girl, and married her two months later.  She gave me an emotional stability I had never known before.  We had two children.  Then with a private firm, I worked my way up to doing engineering work and heading projects designing A/C systems for buildings.  I put my wife through school and she became an RN.  Our children would become happy adults.  We eventually wound up with five terrific grandkids. 

I would retire, and then be told by my doctor that I have symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome.  Despite my mental deficiencies, I feel blessed.  I am content to be with family and grandkids, write, and do volunteer work.