Shawn And Brenda

A Hippopotamus And Cat Story

by Perry W. S. Mulubah, Sr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/05/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781434359322

About the Book

Shawn And Brenda: A Hippopotamus And Cat Story details an account of a friendship between a hippopotamus and a cat. It narrates the unselfish commitment between the two.They held on to their friendship despite resistance and ridicule from their families and friends. The hippopotamus,which came to live in the city with a family,through the cat, gave the children so much happiness that their parents and city officials decided to demonstrate their gratitude to the hippo by having a special parade for him. They also recognized the cat, whose friendship brought the hippo to the city.

About the Author

I was born in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. There, I spent a lot of time around children. I spent many years  in the classroom as a school teacher, became a school principal, and then worked in the Liberian Government,as a Government Minister .  I presently work in the classroom, helping children develop appropriate behaviors in order to maximize effective use of their learning opportunities. Seeing childen express excitement and enthusiasm as they read, or listen to their teachers read interesting books to them, gives me genuine satisfaction. This, and my love for writing, which orginated from many years ago, gave birth to my inspiration to write children's book. Shawn And Brenda: A Hippopotamus And Cat Story, is my debut publication. I hope that Shawn And Brenda: A Hippopotamus And Cat Story, will give children a delightful reading.
It is also my wish that this book will stimulate the imagination of children,motivate and entertain them. The smiles and excitement that books bring to children are nothing less than magical. My goal for this book is that it will succeed in achieving the above, and in addition, inspire children to utilize the wealth of creative resources deposited in their ingenious reservoir of imagination.