A Welsh Hundred

Glimpses of Life in Wales drawn from a pair of family diaries for 1841 and 1940

by W. Ambrose Bebb



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/07/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781434359919

About the Book

By combining a pair of diaries written a century apart, A Welsh Hundred reveals for the first time in English the genuine character of daily life in the Welsh-speaking heartlands of Middle and North Wales. In the hands of W. Ambrose Bebb, the published diary opened up a new avenue for Welsh-language literature; and Bebb's work was hailed at its debut as "the tour de force of a true artist.... There is nothing exactly like it to be found written in Welsh, French or English." This contemporary translation gives English readers their first glimpse into the joys and disappointments, struggles and achievements of "real life" in Wales as lovingly portrayed by one of her favorite sons.

About the Author

W. Ambrose Bebb (1894-1955) was revered in Wales as a writer, historian, teacher and statesman. A native of rural West Wales, he graduated from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, in 1918 with honors in Welsh and History, whereupon he earned his M.A. degree in 1920. He subsequently lectured at the Sorbonne in Paris and traveled widely in France, Brittany and the Continent before returning permanently to North Wales where he lectured in History and Welsh at Normal College, Bangor. Bebb was also a co-founder of the Welsh Nationalist Party whose Plaid Cymru members today constitute an increasingly visible presence in the U.K. Parliament at Westminster and in the National Assembly for Wales at Cardiff. Marc K. Stengel, a dual-citizen of the U.S.A. and Canada, is a writer and translator living in Nashville, Tennessee.