The Pleasure of Their Company

A Memoir: Adventures in Hand-Raising Orphan Fawns

by Cynthia R. Hubbard



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/03/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781438911922

About the Book

The Pleasure of Their Company relates the story of the author’s nearly twenty-year journey hand-raising orphan fawns in her barn in the hills of West Virginia, and the unique relationships and bonds that developed with these gentlest of creatures.  Who could imagine lying down in a barn stall with a week-old, five-pound fawn curled up alongside; or being invited to play by a fawn, and by that same fawn after release and when grown into a 100-pound buck; or sedating that 100-pound buck, playing Operating Room Nurse while the Veterinarian neutered him, and then Recovery Room Nurse to monitor him as he came out of the anesthetic; or having a fawn grow up and bring her own fawns around to introduce them; or patrolling the woods on horseback during hunting season to protect released fawns?  The author couldn’t have imagined any of this, but was blessed to know such treasured experiences.  The readers will get to experience all of these as well, and more, as they journey along on the adventures, through the chronicles of each fawn’s history and photographs taken during each hand-raising and after release.

About the Author


A West Virginia native, Cynthia Hubbard has had a lifelong love for animals - - dogs and horses especially in the domestic world - - but elephants, giraffes and mountain gorillas as well.  Her special love of dogs, and the absence of a local animal shelter, led her to co-found a canine rescue and adoption organization in 1991, which is still in operation today.  Her adventures with five orphan fawns, four of whom she hand-raised, began in 1988.  The Pleasure of Their Company, her first book, tells the stories of these five extraordinary friends.